Otto & Pauline Lingertat originally purchased the land on which Bayview Park was built back in 1961. At that time, there were no roads, no hydro, no services - just bush, trees & nature. Over the next 50 years they put a lifetime of hard work into developing the campground, while protecting & preserving the natural setting. We continu
Otto & Pauline Lingertat originally purchased the land on which Bayview Park was built back in 1961. At that time, there were no roads, no hydro, no services - just bush, trees & nature. Over the next 50 years they put a lifetime of hard work into developing the campground, while protecting & preserving the natural setting. We continue to enjoy many garden settings & beauty throughout the Park
Our business is to provide a natural, enjoyable family camping experience. Today, the Lingertat's daughter Ruth and her husband Bruce carry on the family Bayview Park legacy. We now have second, third and fourth generation families here with us at Bayview - as some of the original families have grown, their children and grandchildren have returned are now camping here as well!
Otto & Pauline put in decades of hard work to create this wonderful place we call Bayview. Now daughter Ruth & husband Bruce are devoting the balance of their lifetime & working years to continue keeping Bayview an enjoyable, safe & incredible place where treasured moments continue to transpire. They will be looking forward to when their children and grandchildren can take over the Park!